16 December 2010

Be Sure To Prepare Your Documentations Before Departing

The first thing you will be asked to produce. If you are driving around without text, MOT or insurance, we might as well stop now, as you won't be doing much more driving of anything after just one pull.

Okay, so you don't normally carry all your car-related documents with you - for safety, you have got them stashed carefully at home - But carrying photocopies of your license, MOT and insurance certificate is a good idea. While they are not legally-binding absolute proof, producing these in a roadside check might mean you do not have to produce the real things at a cop-shop later in the week. Shows a certain responsibility, and confidence in your own legality on the road, too.

In some parts of the country, it is even said to be a good idea to carry copies of any receipts for your stereo gear - if there is any suspicion about it being stolen (surely not), some coppers have been known to confiscate it (or the car it is in) on the spot.

One of the simplest mods, and one of the easiest to spot (and prove) if you are a cooper. Nowadays, any changes made to the standard approved character font (such as italics or fancy type), spacing, or size of the plate constitutes an offense. Remember too that if you have moved the rear plate from its original spot (like from the tailgate recess, during smoothing) it still has to be properly lit at night. You are unlikely to even buy an illegal plate now, as the companies making them are also liable for prosecution if you get stopped. It is just something else to blame on speed cameras - plates have to be easy for them to shoot, and modding yours suggests you are trying to escape a speed conviction (well, who is not?).

Getting pulled for an illegal plate is for looser - you are making it too easy for them. While this offense only entails a small fine and confiscation of the plates, you are drawing unwelcome police attention to the rest of your car. Not smart. At all...

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